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If you will be selected to take part to Queer Lab Europe, you will be asked to play your role starting from your very local environment.
One of our goals is to combat the invisibility in research of LGBT+ individuals and issues.



Starting our own little Queer Lab research. It’s a challenge we issue and it starts from you!

Your national team will work on the promotion of a questionnaire that will help us understand what is the situation in your country and what should we work on. During the exchange we will use the data to develop them more and to understand how these tools can help us fight discrimination.



LGBT+ and high school education

Topic: The presence of LGBT+ topics and inclusive sexual education in high school education and the familiarity of high school students with such topics.
Target: High school students; former high school student; high school teachers.
Goal: Understanding the level of familiarity of high school students with sexual education and LGBT+ topics; testing the availability of LGBT+ information for youngsters.


LGBT+ representation in media

Topic: Visibility of LGBT+ people (particularly underrepresented identities, such as intersex, trans and bisexual people) in the mainstream media.
Target: Users of mainstream media, both outside and inside the LGBT+ community.
Goal: Understanding how the visibility of these minorities is perceived in the mainstream media, in terms of quantity and quality.


Mental health and mental health care for LGBTQ+ people

Topic: Mental health issues among the members of the LGBTQ+ community and availability of inclusive mental health care.
Target: LGBTQ+ people who might have or not have experienced mental health issues.
Goal: Understanding the experiences of LGBTQ+ people with mental health issues and their relationship with therapy; testing the availability of inclusive mental health support for LGBTQ+ people.


Parents of LGBT+ people

Topic: The relationship between parents of LGBT+ people and their children.
Target: : Parents of LGBT+ people.
Goal: Understanding the relationship between parents and LGBT+ children before and after their coming out; understanding coming out experiences from parents perspective.

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